SO Resi and MTVH


Collaborating with the team at Agenda Design we worked with the MTVH and SO Resi team to craft this promotional film that uses the personal stories of their clients to explain the life changing impact of buying your home through shared ownership.

It’s easy to be critical/sceptical of these sorts of videos but as the person on set interviewing some of the SO Resi residents, it was clear that the feelings were strong, authentic and positive.


BCG support Pyladies event


BCG has a significant number of offerings involving a digital component. Sitting behind these are expert coders and data scientists.

BCG wants to support diversity in this area so sponsored the 2019 Pyladies meet up in Canary Wharf. BCG Partner , Nadjia Yousif gave an inspiring keynote speech about her experiences as a woman working in computer sciences and AI.